In my introduction I mention I met my husband in 2005 and we married at the end of 2009 and finally talked about children in early 2010. So here is my infertility story from that moment on until now.
We casually tried for a child for several months. We weren't "actively" trying but we weren't preventing it. And since my periods were so abnormal (I would be on my period for several weeks or months and then not have a period for several months), I never knew when to try. Every time I wasn't on my period, we "did the deed".
It wasn't long before I found myself researching my abnormal periods and I couldn't find one blog, one forum or one comment that expressed a similar story. So to clarify, my irregular periods were so bad, I was all over the place from: bleeding for several months straight, lightly bleeding for weeks, bleeding heavy for a week, not having a period for months. My periods were never the same twice and I never went long before I would bleed so heavy I wouldn't want to leave my home.
So I decided to try Vitex to help regulate my period. I tried 3 months and it did nothing. I then heard about Soy Iso where it could help you ovulate. I took it for 2 cycles (one that was 21 days long and the next was 36 days long). I finally decided to see my doctor in late 2010. She did the pap smear, a biopsy, a trans-vaginal ultrasound and a full blood work that stated everything was fine although my progesterone was low.
early 2011- I discovered and started tracking my cycles.
Mid 2011 - I had six months of charted periods and realized I still hadn't had the same cycle twice.
End of 2011 - I went back to the doctor and had proof this time about my cycles. All the same test were performed and all came back fine. Doctor wanted me to try a month of birth control to try to regulate my period.
Early 2012 - birth control did nothing for me, aside from stretch out the bleeding from 1 month to 2 months.
Mid 2012 - I decided to try ovulation tests to see if I was ovulating. I never got one positive opk.
End of 2012 - I went back to the doctor who did all the same tests again. At this point I was tested for PCOS or Endo 3 times and was told 3 times I didn't have either. This time my doctor stated she thinks I have a polyp. It was suggested then I have surgery to remove them.
Early 2013 - I was in denial I needed surgery and I fell into a depression state.
Mid 2013 - the doctor continued to call me once a week to say I needed surgery. I finally scheduled it for August. I had the surgery and indeed they found a handful of polyps, a uterine growth and a cyst constricting my left fallopian tube.
End 2013 (this is where I'm at now) - 2 1/2 months after surgery and I still am having irregular cycles.
I feel so hopeless and so fragile. On Oct 10, I passed a gray matter of tissue. I immediately called the doctor who wanted to do another ultrasound. The next day I started bleeding heavy. I did the ultrasound and received the results the next day. The nurse explained that everything looked well and that they think I passed a polyp. I was speechless. I thought I just had surgery that repaired this issue. She also stated I should stop bleeding by day 7 and low and behold she was right. Now I have no idea where I stand. I only wish my period would regulate itself.
To those who have infertility issues and you're reading this... I hope you don't feel alone. Through this entire process one thing that has helped me greatly was reading other women's infertility stories. Knowing that no two women are the same helped me immensely.
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