I charted for 2 years and used fertilityfriend.com to chart. I've received many questions regarding how to chart and even pictures of people's charts asking for my opinion. This post will be about the basics of how to chart your BBT.
After you set up an account on fertilityfriend.com (or whatever method or site you choose), you want to start immediately putting in any back information you may have. If you've been keeping track of when your AF (aunt flow) has started and stopped previously, enter all that information in without entering a temp so the site can gather previous information which in turn will help with your current cycle.
When do you take your temp? You want to be quite strict when you take your temp. Most women take their temp when they wake up in the morning. The bottom line is you have to have 4 hours of consecutive sleep before you take your temp. It should be taken at the same time everyday or you will develop open circles in your chart which will alter your ovulation date. You can temp vaginally or orally however, you must have a thermometer that says "basal body thermometer", they do sell one at walgreens and walmart.
It's not very important to temp during your menstruation although getting into the routine of temping every day is extremely helpful. Charting your cervical mucus (CM) is very helpful as you must have 2 charted signs (temperature, CM, OPK, Mon or cervical position) in order for FF (fertility friend) to recognize an ovulation date.
If you are gearing up to ovulate, you may receive a positive OPK (ovulation test) or a dip in your temperature which means your temp will drop however; FF will not give you cross hairs (CH) until your temp then rises and continues to rise for three consecutive days. This is where many women get confused and question whether the site is working for you or not. Have faith that FF is calculating your cycle and a good rule of thumb is to "do the deed" every other day and especially if your temp drops.
It is common after FF gives a women CH that a few days into a rising temp there will be another dip, do not panic as this is also common and is the result of our constant fluctuating hormones.
Those are the basics to how to chart BBT and I hope this was helpful to those who are wanting to chart or have questions. If you are TTC actively please remember to start taking a prenatal vitamin as folic acid is important in the month prior to conceiving and the first trimester of any pregnancy. Tips to conceive faster are to cut out caffeine and to quit smoking. Remember they advise women under 30 to try for a year before seeking medical help and women over 30 to try for 6 months before seeking medical help.
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