I am now on cd24 and BBT has yet to show I’ve ovulated. This will be part 2 of a possible 3 part blog of my experience with licorice root. If you haven’t read part 1, please do so as this may confuse you.
As mentioned before, I am on cd 24 and I have had little rises in my BBT chart (pic will be posted below) however no definate sign of ovulation at this point. I have been having “cramps” on my left side for the last 2 days. It comes and goes and feels very unusal. I keep questioning if I’ve ever felt these things in the past over the last few days. My breast have hurt off and on for a little over a day now but no significant rise in BBT. Other things I’ve been experiencing are: extreme tiredness, nausea, bloated feeling, cramps on left side, headaches, smelly urine and dark urine (not due to dehydration as I am drinking over 60 oz of water per day), achey feeling in lower back and arms.
I can’t tell if this is due to either: af, ovulation or in my head. I know I haven’t ovulated yet due to my chart and I am confident I temp accurately. No app or information on the internet has come close to helping me determine what is going on. I’ve taken ovulations tests (opks) everyday aside from yesterday as I ran out. 15 days of taking opks 2-3 times a day is exhausting and expensive. The last bundle of opks I purchased was on Amazon which is what I used this cycle from cd 8-22 (pic of cd 22 opk included). They were clinical guard which came with 40 opks and 20 hpts. I’ve used 2 of the hpts as I always test with one right when my af ends just to make sure I wasn’t one of those odd medical oddities where you get your af and yet are pregnant.
I took a hpt test this AM (2/6/2015) as I had no idea if my sx (symptoms) are due to af, ovulation, pregnancy or in my head? After 5 years of TTC, I’ve become a bit parinoid that if I ever did concieve I would never know as I would be the odd one who still has their af like clockwork. So I’ve made it a habit of testing every 2-3 weeks. As you can imagine the resutls of my hpt were a bfn (pic will also be included) and I have yet to make it to a store to buy more opks. This is exhausting. Next cycle I will not be using opks.
Dh (dear husband) and I have been BD (baby dancing) the last 2 days and will continue through this weekend. I’m disappointed there isn’t more to report. I’m extremely sad that I haven’t ovulated yet but more importantly I’m worried that once I do (if I do) my spotting issue will return. This was the entire reason I wanted to try the licorice root so I could somehow move my ovulation up (if I did ovulate) to possibly improve my LP. Last cycle I ovulated on cd 26 but af came right on time at what would been cd 36 so I had a 9 day LP? This is terrible. I’m also spotting off an on throughout my entire LP.
Obviously all of this worries me and brings me extra stress I don’t need. No app or article has been helpful to me. I’ve tired several things to attempt to lengthen my LP but for unknown reasons they don’t work for me (b6, progesterone, Vitex, maca root, royal jelly, clomid etc). I have seen my doctor about this issue as well and as I’m sure you’ve discovered by now, they weren’t willing/able (what’s the difference?) to help me or fix this issue. After a mere 6 months of seening my OBGYN after my surgery in August of 2013, I was referred to a FS (this is elaborated on in past posts).
As usual, I will continue what I’ve been doing as far as temping, testing and praying. Here’s to hoping sooner rather than later I get my BFP. Gl to the ladies who are TTC.
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