Well, my 1st cycle on licorice root is coming towards an end (i think). It's been so hard for me to tell. Every day I think my cycle has started and the brown/red spotting leaves.
I'm currently on cd 34 and about 10 days ago I realized I was spotting. I thought maybe a new cycle was starting due to an early ovulation but the spotting has come and gone over the last week. I've also been having af like cramps on and off since cd 21 and they've become more intense as my cycle ends. One morning I thought my af was surely here and it seemed to be a light flow and the next morning it was gone.
I've looked into "breakthough" bleeding due to non ovulation and an increasing amount of estrogen in your body. I wonder if that's what I've been experiencing these last few cycles. I'm not sure and when/if my cycle ever starts again (as i could spot for a week so counting any of this spotting as af would be wrong) I will try the licorice root again.
I've also taken 3 pregnancy tests as like usual I wonder if the spotting/unusual bleeding is due to pregnancy. I've received my first "evap" or false positive I believe from a hpt ever. I will post those pictures in this blog. 2 of them were clinical guard and one was with an answer pregnancy test strip. The answer test was the only one I used fmu with.
The reason I believe they are evap or a false positive is i have since taken a frer with fmu and it was clearly negative. It's heart breaking when you think/know you see a line and it's so faint but it's there and with a trusted brand of frer it's negative (pictures will be below).
Typically I start my cycles on what would be cd 36. That's in 2 days. I have bought the new "temp drop" device to better help determine ovulation especially since I've been forgetting to temp a lot this cycle. The only issue is Tempdrop won't ship till spring of 2015 and if I go off of the calender spring doesn't start till March 2015.
I will update when the new cycle starts. Wishing all the ladies ttc lots of baby dust as always. They say when you really strive for something it's even sweeter when reached.
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